Why Should You Choose Crowns Over Veneers For Improving Dental Aesthetics

Crowns and dental veneers are popular restoration methods for improving the appearance of teeth. Crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed over natural teeth to conceal imperfections. Veneers are porcelain shells that sit permanently on the front surfaces of the teeth to fix dental flaws. Both coverings can fix cracks, stained teeth, and slightly misaligned teeth. They can even alter the shape and size of a natural tooth to improve its appearance. However, crowns offer better outcomes than dental veneers. Here are the benefits of using crowns to improve dental aesthetics. 

Covers the Entire Tooth

Crowns are hollow caps placed over natural teeth. The cap covers the entire tooth and conceals all imperfections, including cracks, chips, intrinsic stains, and crooked teeth. Conversely, veneers only cover the front surface of the teeth. Although they improve one's smile, veneers don't conceal the back sides of the teeth. Therefore, cracks and chips can become visible from the back, depending on the tooth's location. Therefore, if you are looking for a treatment option that fully conceals the flaws, dental crowns are right for you.

Strengthens the Natural Teeth

Crowns and veneer treatments both involve shaving off part of the tooth's enamel. Shaving prepares the tooth for the fitting and bonding of the prosthesis. If your teeth are slightly crooked, they require shaving to allow the caps or veneers to sit straight. Enamel doesn't regrow; therefore, this process can leave you with weak enamel. Since veneers are mere shells sitting on the surface, there's a higher risk of cracks and chips on the treated tooth.

The primary role of dental crowns is to strengthen the natural tooth. The cap made of metal, porcelain, resin, or ceramic completely covers the enamel and strengthens it. Therefore, there's no risk of cracking or chipping your natural teeth. Unlike veneers, crowns rarely break on their own. Therefore, you can enjoy hard foods without worrying about damaging your oral appliance.

Prevents Oral Decay

Tooth decay can affect oral aesthetics and necessitate dental treatments, such as fillings and root canals. If you opt for veneers, you must maintain proper oral hygiene to eliminate the risk of tooth decay. Since the shell only covers the front surface, the tooth isn't protected from harmful oral bacteria. Bacteria can still erode the enamel from the back side and cause cavities and oral infections.

Crowns protect the natural teeth from decay. Since the caps cover the entire tooth, bacteria can't access the natural tooth or erode its enamel. This lowers the risk of cavities and infection and preserves the tooth's appearance. However, you still need to maintain proper oral hygiene to protect the rest of your teeth from decay.

Veneers and crowns are ideal treatment options for addressing various dental flaws. However, the above benefits of dental crowns are worth exploring. Contact your dentist for further dental crown consultation.
