4 Common Myths About Dental Implants That You Should Ignore

Tooth implants are a popular option for replacing lost teeth. They offer a lasting solution, have a natural appearance, and require minimal maintenance. Most patients are often satisfied with the final results and functioning of the implants. Unfortunately, some interested parties do not know much about implants. As a result, common misconceptions continue to make patients skeptical about the procedure. Below are some myths to ignore when seeking tooth implant services.

1. Implants Last a Few Years

Tooth restoration solutions such as bridges and dentures often become loose over time. Patients may need to return to the clinic for repairs and replacements. This may increase maintenance costs. However, implants are an exception since they can serve you for many years.

Dentists carefully place implants into the jawbone, allowing them to fuse. This tightly anchors the implant to the bone, increasing its longevity. If you follow all post-operative guidelines carefully, your implants can serve you for a lifetime.

2. A Weak Jaw May Prevent You From Undergoing Implant Surgery

Patients who lost their teeth years ago may have undergone massive bone loss due to a lack of stimulation. This may lead to a sunken-in appearance. Some patients are often discouraged about getting implants because they lack enough jaw support. Luckily, dentists have smart procedures to restore bone density. Your dentist will also examine your oral cavity to determine if you need a bone grafting procedure before implant installation.

3. The Procedure Is Painful

Before surgery, your dentist will prepare you for the procedure. It is important that you follow all instructions carefully. Many dentists administer local anesthesia to numb your facial area during the implant installation. Some people may prefer general anesthesia. Regardless of the option, your dentist recommends, you will not experience pain. Your dentist will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to help you recover quickly and smoothly. The surgery is generally painless, especially if you adhere to the recovery tips and instructions.

4. The Surgery Is Expensive

This is a common myth that discourages patients from getting implants. Although the upfront costs of getting the implants may seem high, they have the best returns on investment. Implants are long-lasting and have minimal maintenance needs. Apart from the occasional change of the crown, you don't need to replace or repair it. This one-time investment will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Don't let the myths bar you from seeking implant services. As shown above, the replacement option is a viable solution to missing teeth. Set an appointment with your dentist to learn more about the procedure and restore your smile.  

For more info, contact a local company like Signature Dental.
