4 Oral Health Goals To Set This Year

The beginning of the New Year is always a great time to set goals. Many people focus on their physical health when they set goals for the New Year. While this is a good idea, one area of health you don't want to neglect is your oral health. In fact, maintaining good oral health can help prevent certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, kidney disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Here are four oral health goals to set this year.

How To Identify A Good Pediatric Dentist

Has the time come for your child to see the dentist for the first time, and you need to find a pediatric dentist? If so, you're likely wondering what to look for when searching for a dentist.  The Waiting Room The first thing you should pay attention to when you check out their office is the waiting room. It can really tell you the vibe of the office before you even talk to a single person.

When Your Child Isn't Old Enough For A Dental Implant

Of course, there are many things in life that have an age restriction. To drive a car, vote, or drink alcohol, a person has to wait until they're old enough. But what about dentistry? Although dental implants are the best way to replace a missing tooth, it's important that the patient is old enough. So how does this affect your child who might need to have a missing tooth permanently replaced?

3 Valuable Fringe Benefits Of Regular Dental Care

If you visit the dentist's office only when you have a painful cavity or infection, then you could be missing out on some tremendous (and often overlooked) health benefits. Here are three ways you can most definitely profit from regular preventative dental care, even if you don't need a filling or crown. 1. Better Overall Wellness The germs that infiltrate your gums and tooth enamel may not content themselves with conquering your oral tissues.

Three Myths About Porcelain Veneers That You Need To Be Aware Of

Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment that can be used to solve many different types of dental imperfections. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and myths out there about veneers. As such, some people may have expectations for veneers that cannot be met, or they may overlook veneers as an option due to these myths. Here are three common myths related to porcelain veneer treatment and the truth surrounding these myths.