Cleft Palate's Don't Have To Cause Lasting Problems: 3 Ways A Pediatric Dentist Can Help Repair The Damage

If your baby was born with a cleft palate, they will face several medical procedures to repair the damage. In addition to that care, your baby may also require pediatric dental care to treat problems with the way their teeth erupt. With careful dental and treatment, your child's teeth will be able to erupt properly. When possible, dental care for cleft palates should begin early. Here are a few things you'll need to know about your little one's cleft palate and how it will affect their teeth.

The ABCs Of Preparing Your Child For A Dental Extraction

Even though most baby teeth come out on their own, there may come a time when your child must have a tooth extracted by a dentist. Even though extracting a baby tooth is probably one of the least worrisome procedures for you as a parent, pulling any tooth can seem like a major ordeal through the eyes of your child. Between needles used to administer a local anesthetic to perhaps a little blood, getting a tooth pulled can look a lot scarier than it actually is.

Could You Get Your Medications Through Your Dental Implants?

Blood rich bone marrow in the jaw makes a good environment for the titanium screws that hold on dental implants to take hold. It may also be a good way to deliver medications that need to get into the bloodstream, according to researchers.  A device that works just like regular dental implants and delivers medication for diabetics or chronic pain sufferers may be a possibility based on models done in animals.

3 Denture-Staining Foods & Tips To Prevent Stains

Everyone wants a white smile, and it should be easy to attain using dentures, but some foods may stain your dentures. The following guide will expose some of those denture stainers and help you prevent stains when you eat these foods. There are three types of foods that you need worry about, which are the following: 1. Highly Pigmented Foods Foods that contain strong pigments are foods that have chromogens, which are natural compounds.

Taking Care Of Your Teeth During Pregnancy

If you are currently pregnant, you may wonder what your options are in tooth care before you deliver. Taking care of your teeth is just as important during your pregnancy as it is at other times in your life. Here are some steps to take during pregnancy to help you keep your teeth in the best possible shape while ensuring your unborn baby is safe during the wait of their birth.  Don't Skip Routine Cleanings