How To Avoid Cleaning Your Teeth The Wrong Way

Cleaning your teeth is essential to your oral health, but poor brushing techniques can harm your teeth and gums instead of protecting them. You need to do it right for teeth brushing to be effective. The "how" really does make all make the difference: Use caution when brushing with toothpastes that can thin and weaken tooth enamel. Although whitening toothpastes generally are considered as safe as other toothpastes, excessive use can eventually damage tooth enamel, reports Mayo Clinic.

3 Natural Home Treatments For Toothaches

Toothaches can affect every aspect of your life, making it difficult to sleep, focus at work or school, or even exercise. In order to make sure that your toothache does not negatively affect your life to too great a degree, you need to take care of it as soon as possible. Many people prefer natural remedies that will allow them to deal with the pain without putting additional toxins in their bodies.

Three Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Between Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Even if you've exhausted all over-the-counter measures for whitening your teeth, there are still many professional options available. But since dentists are able to do everything from bleaching enamel to replacing the entire front of a tooth with a veneer covering, choosing what exactly is most appropriate for you can be daunting. To help you decide on a good cosmetic dental procedure, ask yourself these three questions. Have over-the-counter whitening products made a difference for me in the past?

The Pros And Cons Of All-on-4 Implants

Your teeth and gums age as you do, so even with the best dental care, you could still end up needing replacements for missing teeth. There are many options available, including dental implants and dentures. An additional option that your dentist might discuss with you is an implant technique known as All-on-4. Before having this procedure, know the pros and cons. What Is All-on-4? Traditional implants involve implanting a single root in your jawbone for each tooth that is missing.

How A Front Tooth Gap Is Fixed

Tooth gaps are an extremely common issue in cosmetic dentistry, but they are generally harmless and rarely need to be fixed for health purposes. The technical term for these gaps is diastema, and though they can happen between any of the teeth in your mouth, you're probably familiar with gaps between people's middle front teeth. This is usually because they are the most visible. Tooth gaps are often just a cosmetic issue, though fixing gaps can also help alleviate or prevent other problems.