Managing Infection-Related Pain After A Root Canal

Root canals have earned a reputation for being painful dental procedures throughout the years. What many dental patients fail to realize is that it isn't the root canal itself that causes the pain, but rather the infection that is affecting the tooth and causing it to require root canal therapy that serves as a source of pain. Managing your pain level after a root canal is best accomplished when you manage the infection.

2 Teas To Help Your Teen Soothe Irritated Gums After Teeth Whitening

If your teen is a heavy coffee or tea drinker, then they may be interested in getting a teeth whitening procedure. Stained teeth can ruin the appearance of a perfect smile. Teeth whitening is a good way to improve your teen's confidence when it comes time for school and family photos. The procedure can either be performed at home with the help of a kit purchased from the store or in the dentist's office.